Sustainability in olive oil distribution: Large containers for ordering groups
16.July 2024

At a time when sustainability and environmental protection are becoming more and more important, we are all looking for ways to reduce our ecological footprint. An innovative approach that is not only environmentally friendly, but also practical and economical is the distribution of olive oil in large containers to ordering groups. In this blog post, we would like to show you how you can strict EU regulations You can sell olive oil legally and sustainably.

First, the most important information:
Here you can find the PDF for download “Handling the stainless steel barrel

We have also made a video tutorial in which we explain step by step how to handle the stainless steel barrel.

The following chapters are available on Vimeo:

  1. Drain the last oil (0:08)
  2. Unscrew the lid (1:09)
  3. Drain the last oil (1:27)
  4. Cleaning with paper (2:11)
  5. Unscrew the valve (3:44)
  6. Adjust the outlet tap correctly (4:10)
  7. Install drain tap (4:53)
  8. Oil extraction (6:31)
  9. Magnetic labels (7:15)
  10. Barrel return (8:13)

The current legal situation


EU regulations require that olive oil sold to final consumers must be packaged in units of no more than 5 litres and must have a non-reusable closure. These rules are intended to ensure that the quality and authenticity of the olive oil are guaranteed and that no mixing or dilution can take place.

The solution: Large containers for ordering groups


One way to offer larger units of olive oil to ordering groups is to deliver the oil in larger containers and bottle it on site into smaller containers for the final consumer. This approach combines efficiency, sustainability and regulatory compliance.

Step 1: Use large containers

By supplying olive oil in large stainless steel barrels, such as our 20 litre STAINLESS STEEL BARREL »OIL & WINE«, you can significantly reduce packaging waste. These barrels are not only reusable, but also particularly durable and hygienic.

Step 2: Transfer on site

On site, for example at a ordering community or a zero-waste store, the olive oil is transferred from the large containers into smaller, consumer-friendly packaging. This packaging must comply with EU regulations regarding labeling and closure.


Here are some practical tips from our guide:

•The packaging must be smaller than 5 liters.

•Use a non-reusable closure, e.g. with a freshness seal.

•Make sure the packaging is correctly labelled to meet all legal requirements.

Step 3: Cooperation with local authorities

To ensure that this process is legal, you should inform local food inspection authorities about your approach and ensure that all local regulations are followed. A declaration of conformity can help to document compliance with legal requirements.

Step 4: Transparent communication and labelling

It is important that end consumers know exactly where the olive oil comes from and how it was processed. Transparent communication throughout the entire process, from bulk packaging to bottling on site, creates trust and strengthens customer loyalty. We have a "trace back to the farm" section on our label. There you will find a stamp field that the farmers have filled out. The code refers to the farmers or the community of farmers. We will soon add the exact location of their fields to the product description in our online shop.

🌱Eco-Insight: Stainless steel barrel »Oil & Wine«

Over the lifetime of a reusable barrel, you save approximately one glass container full of disposable bottles, which is equivalent to around 2,000 kg of waste glass. If we calculate the amount of energy required to produce disposable bottles, the savings are impressive: the average energy content of waste glass saved by melting it down and reusing it is equivalent to around 0.15 litres of diesel fuel per kilogram of waste glass. This means that over the lifetime of a barrel, we would save around 300 to 525 litres of fuel that would otherwise be needed to produce new glass containers.


This contribution is not only ecologically sensible, but also actively contributes to waste prevention and the protection of our ecosystems.

Form a consumer community and order your harvest shares for the coming harvest in a stainless steel barrel.

Olive oil from GREEN OLIVES


Artificial name »ZEUS' FAVORITE«
Green olive oil
Design: strong
Taste: fruity-fresh, grassy, peppery finish

These olives are harvested by Panagiotis Marantos in October and November. It is our highest quality olive oil, of which we do not produce too much.

Olive oil of the PURPLE OLIVES


Artificial name »BLÜTENFUNKELN«
Olive oil of the purple olive
Version: medium
Taste: round, full-bodied and grassy

We harvest these olives in November and December, depending on when they reach this level of ripeness. This olive oil is produced by a producer group from the Sparti region.

BLACK OLIVES olive oil


Artificial name »SPRING GOLD«
Black olive olive oil
Version: mild
Taste: fruity-mild

Fully ripe olives produce the mildest olive oil. We are currently considering joining another producer group that cultivates a particularly mild variety of olive tree. As soon as this is ready for discussion, we will let you know.

Emphasize sustainability

By selling olive oil in large containers and decanting it locally, you are making an important contribution to avoiding waste and protecting the environment. This approach fits perfectly with a sustainable and environmentally conscious consumer community.


Selling olive oil in large containers to ordering groups is an innovative and environmentally friendly solution that complies with strict EU regulations. By using stainless steel barrels such as our 20l stainless steel barrel and communicating transparently with consumers, you can offer high-quality olive oil sustainably and in compliance with the law.


Let’s make the world a better place together – one stainless steel barrel at a time!
