Harvest risk

There are many uncontrollable risks in agriculture: Crop damage is caused by extreme weather, insects, diseases, etc. Many of these factors are closely linked to climate change and monoculture. As these two factors progress, these events are likely to become more frequent and more severe. Where farmers can directly contribute to the conversion of monocultures into diverse ecosystems, the risk of environmental influences in many places lies on their own shoulders. A good harvest means a secure supply basis for farmers and their families. However, a damaged harvest can threaten their livelihoods. We are committed to ensuring that farmers do not bear the risk of the harvest alone, but distribute it in solidarity. At TEIKEI Olive, we strive to distribute the harvest risk across the shoulders of the entire community. A damaged harvest therefore has a slightly negative impact on the entire community, but no livelihoods are threatened. We currently work with a distribution system in which the risk is priced in. However, situations are changing very quickly these days and a continuous dialogue within the community is required to ensure that the risk is distributed optimally.
