Why has the TEIKEI remained stable in recent years?
03.July 2024

Why TEIKEI Olive prices remain stable while organic olive oil prices rise


In recent years, many consumers have noticed that the prices of organic olive oil are continuously increasing. However, at TEIKEI Olive we have managed to keep our prices stable. But how is this possible? In this blog post we explain the reasons and the unique system that allows us to offer high-quality products at fair prices.

The TEIKEI system: pre-orders and subscriptions


A key factor that sets us apart from other suppliers is our TEIKEI system. Instead of buying goods in stock and selling them later, we organize pre-orders in a subscription system. Our customers order their products in advance, which allows us to plan demand precisely and inform our producers accordingly. This system offers several advantages:

  1. Planning security for producers: Producers know months in advance how high the demand will be and can adjust their production accordingly.
  2. Cost savings: Since there are no storage costs and we deliver directly from the farm, we can save costs and pass these savings on to our customers.


Artificial name »ZEUS' FAVORITE«
Green olive oil
Design: strong
Taste: fruity-fresh, grassy, peppery finish

These olives are harvested by Panagiotis Marantos in October and November. It is our highest quality olive oil, of which we do not produce too much.


Artificial name »BLÜTENFUNKELN«
Olive oil of the purple olive
Version: medium
Taste: round, full-bodied and grassy

We harvest these olives in November and December, depending on when they reach this level of ripeness. This olive oil is produced by a producer group from the Sparti region.


Artificial name »SPRING GOLD«
Black olive olive oil
Version: mild
Taste: fruity-mild

Fully ripe olives produce the mildest olive oil. We are currently considering joining another producer group that cultivates a particularly mild variety of olive tree. As soon as this is ready for discussion, we will let you know.

Direct cooperation with producers


At TEIKEI Olive, we work closely with smallholder and organic farms. These partnerships are based on trust and fair conditions. By directly financing the harvest, we can compensate for price fluctuations caused by global economic events. Our producers receive fair prices for their products, regardless of market conditions. This creates a win-win situation for everyone involved:

  • Stability for producers: Producers do not have to worry about fluctuating market prices and can rely on fair payment – every year.
  • Stable prices for customers: Our customers benefit from constant prices that are not subject to the usual market fluctuations.

Sustainable and regenerative farming methods


Another important aspect is the sustainable and regenerative agriculture that our partner farms practice. These methods increase soil fertility and contribute to the long-term stability of yields. By promoting these cultivation methods, we ensure that our farms can operate not only ecologically but also economically sustainably. This leads to:

  • Healthy soils and stable yields: Regenerative agriculture creates healthy soils that are more resilient to environmental changes and produce stable yields.
  • Long-term cost efficiency: By reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, our farms save costs, which in turn contribute to stable product prices.


One photo from 2017 (left) and one from 2023. Same location (Panagiotis Marantos) and taken in the same month. Regenerative agriculture works 😉


Efficient logistics and ordering communities


Our logistics are another key to price stability. Instead of relying on large corporations such as DHL, we organize ordering groups that are supplied directly from the farm. This model reduces transport costs and enables us to distribute the products more efficiently and cost-effectively. The ordering groups offer additional advantages:

  • Cost savings through joint orders: By organizing orders in order groups, delivery costs are eliminated and the products can be offered at lower prices.
  • Community and networking: Order communities encourage exchange and collaboration among customers, resulting in a stronger community.

Conclusion: Fairness and transparency as the key to success


At TEIKEI Olive, we focus on fairness and transparency in all areas of our business. Our unique system of pre-orders and subscriptions, direct cooperation with producers and our sustainable logistics enable us to offer stable prices while the quality of our products remains at the highest level. We are proud to be able to offer our customers high-quality products at fair prices while supporting our producers and protecting the environment.
