Olive oil & polyphenols
  1. The Health Benefits of Oleocanthal in Polyphenol Olive Oil: A Comprehensive Overview

Polyphenol olive oil, particularly the oleocanthal-rich TEIKEI olive oil »Elysion Vitalis«, offers numerous health benefits that have been proven by extensive scientific studies. This article highlights the most significant research findings that support the health-promoting effects of oleocanthal and provide a solid foundation for the marketing of »Elysion Vitalis«.


Oleocanthal and Alzheimer’s

Protection against Alzheimer's through oleocanthal

Several studies have shown that oleocanthal has neuroprotective properties that can slow the progression of Alzheimer's. A groundbreaking study by Pitt et al. showed that oleocanthal improved cognitive performance in mice genetically predisposed to Alzheimer's. This study found that oleocanthal significantly reduced the formation of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain, which are considered the main cause of Alzheimer's. By altering the assembly of these plaques, oleocanthal protects neurons from synaptic damage, leading to improved neuronal health.


Oleocanthal and cancer

Inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells

The anti-carcinogenic properties of oleocanthal are well documented. Studies have shown that oleocanthal inhibits the growth and migration of cancer cells in various cancers, including breast, prostate, liver and colorectal cancer. In one major study, oleocanthal was shown to reduce the proliferation of liver cancer cells while promoting apoptosis, programmed cell death. This dual action makes oleocanthal a potentially effective anti-cancer agent.

Specific study results:

  1. Breast cancer: Oleocanthal blocks the activation of the c-Met protein, which plays a key role in the development and metastasis of breast cancer. In cell studies, oleocanthal inhibited the growth and migration of breast cancer cells without damaging normal cells, indicating its selective efficacy against cancer cells.
  2. Prostate cancer: Oleocanthal showed similar effects in prostate cancer cells by inhibiting cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis. These results suggest that oleocanthal may also be useful in the treatment of prostate cancer.
  3. Liver cancer: Studies by Pei et al. showed that oleocanthal inhibits the proliferation of liver cancer cells and induces their apoptosis. In addition, oleocanthal prevented metastasis of liver cancer cells to the lungs in animal models, highlighting its potential efficacy as an antimetastatic agent.
  4. Colorectal cancer: In cell culture and animal model studies, oleocanthal has been shown to inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells and promote apoptosis without affecting normal cells. This selective effect makes oleocanthal a promising agent for the treatment of colorectal cancer.


Oleocanthal and inflammation

Natural anti-inflammatory

Oleocanthal has powerful anti-inflammatory properties comparable to those of ibuprofen. This was first discovered in a study by Beauchamp et al., which showed that oleocanthal inhibits the same enzymes as ibuprofen. These enzymes, cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2), are crucial for the production of prostaglandins, which mediate inflammation and pain.

Further studies have shown that oleocanthal reduces inflammatory markers in human cells and can therefore be used as a natural remedy against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. These results underline the potential of oleocanthal as a safe and effective alternative to synthetic anti-inflammatories.

Specific study results:

  1. Arthritis: Oleocanthal reduces the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes, which may lead to relief of arthritis symptoms. In cell studies and animal models, oleocanthal has been shown to lower inflammatory markers and reduce pain, similar to ibuprofen.
  2. Osteoarthritis: Studies have shown that oleocanthal significantly reduces cartilage damage caused by inflammation. These results suggest that oleocanthal may be used as an effective treatment for osteoarthritis.


Oleocanthal and cardiovascular diseases

Improves heart health

Oleocanthal has been shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular health. One study showed that daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil, rich in oleocanthal, reduced platelet aggregation by more than 25%. This reduces the risk of blood clots that can cause heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, studies have shown that oleocanthal increases the production of nitric oxide (NO) in blood vessels, resulting in vasodilation and improved blood flow. These vasodilatory properties help lower blood pressure and improve overall heart health.

Specific study results:

  1. Thrombosis: Oleocanthal reduces platelet aggregation, which reduces the risk of blood clots and related cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis.
  2. High blood pressure: Studies have shown that oleocanthal increases the production of nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.


Oleocanthal and joint diseases

Therapy for inflammatory degenerative joint diseases

Oleocanthal and its derivatives show great potential as therapeutic agents against inflammatory degenerative joint diseases such as osteoarthritis. Studies have shown that oleocanthal reduces the production of nitric oxide (NO), which is associated with cartilage damage, thus slowing the disease.

A specific study by Iacono et al. investigated the effect of oleocanthal on cartilage cells and found that it significantly reduced cartilage damage caused by inflammation. These results suggest that oleocanthal can be used as an effective agent for the treatment of joint diseases.

Specific study results:

  1. Osteoarthritis: Oleocanthal reduces the production of nitric oxide, which is associated with cartilage damage, and thus slows the progression of osteoarthritis.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis: In cell studies and animal models, oleocanthal has been shown to reduce the inflammatory response in the joints, which may help relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.


Why you should order »Elysion Vitalis« olive oil

Quality and purity

Elysion Vitalis olive oil from TEIKEI olive is pure and obtained exclusively from the Koroneiki olive using mechanical processes. These olives are carefully harvested by hand and are completely free of pesticides. The highest quality label "extra virgin olive oil" guarantees that the oil is only obtained using mechanical processes and without chemical treatment and has a maximum fatty acid content of 0.8%. Since 2015, our TEIKEI olive oil has even had an acid content of between 0.18% and 0.40%, which is well below the required limit.

Health-promoting effects

Studies are increasingly confirming the diverse health-promoting effects of high-quality olive oil. It is the polyphenols it contains that make this oil so valuable. These substances slow down cell oxidation, reduce fat deposits in the blood vessels and thus support the cardiovascular system. A polyphenol content of at least 250 mg per liter of olive oil is required to be considered healthy. Many supermarket olive oils do not reach this value and therefore cannot be sold as healthy.

Elysion Vitalis olive oil, on the other hand, impresses with a polyphenol content of between 400 mg and 950 mg per liter. This is far above the required minimum value and therefore offers you the highest quality and maximum health benefits. Our TEIKEI farmers rely on a cross-generational trading relationship that creates stability and focuses on long-term sustainability instead of following a short-lived hype.



Order »Elysion Vitalis« now and enjoy not only the unique taste, but also the numerous health benefits of a real premium olive oil! The olive oil can be ordered as a share of the harvest.

To do so, follow this link to our eShop: https://de.teikei.shop/produkt/olivenol-elysion-vitalis


You can find the original study here: Biological activities of olive oil polyphenols
